Baird Straughan, Founder and Director
Way back in the 1980’s, when personal computers became widely available, Baird built some of the first member databases for nonprofits. He was Program Director of the original Public Interested Computer Association, and later Associate Director at the Institute for Conservation Leadership, where he led workshops for executive directors, fundraisers, and organizers. In 2006 the database bug bit him again; he discovered the new tools offered by online client-relationship-management systems, and customized Salesforce to create the WaterGrass database for conservation organizations. Baird has worked extensively with river and watershed organizations, and is appropriately based in Annapolis, MD on the Chesapeake Bay, where he paddles and sails.
If not working on WaterGrass you'll find me...
...on the Bay or the dance floor!
Carl Paulsen, Support and Training Coordinator
Carl's work has almost always included a focus on water. He has worked in marine and watershed policy, whale research, guiding, alternative energy research, and even carpentry and landscaping. Carl has also been a database instructor, technician and developer for about 25 years. That focus arose when he was the sole staffer at the New Hampshire Rivers Council in the late 1990s. Carl quickly discovered the value of databases for non-profits and began providing support to other non-profits across the east coast who needed help setting up and using databases. Around 2009, Baird asked Carl if he could help migrate clients to the WaterGrass platform, and soon enough he was brought on full time to continue to support WaterGrass clients with their database needs.
If not working on WaterGrass you'll find me...
...indulging one of my three current passions: outdoor recreation (mostly paddling, though also hiking, biking, skiing and more); vintage audio design and restoration (think big old "horn" speakers, vacuum tube amplifiers, turntables and the like); and doing something fun with my family.
Peter Churchill, Lead Programmer
Peter Churchill brings more than 25 years of experience in the architecture, development and implementation of CRM systems. Peter offers a rare blend of strong technical skills combined with an easy ability to communicate with both technical and non-technical users to identify the most effective solutions for their organization. He has worked with many nonprofit organizations to empower them to deliver on their mission by leveraging the knowledge and expertise he can provide.
If not working at WaterGrass you’ll find me… a Bruce Springsteen concert.
We know that organizations like yours benefit greatly from the features of a full-powered customer relationship management system, if they have the training and support they need.
WaterGrass comes with training and unlimited support. It’s the first thing groups mention when we ask them what they like about WaterGrass. Here’s an example of the kind of one-on-one support we provide: